National Society Daughters of the American Revolution Logo

General Perry Benson, NSDAR

Easton, Maryland

Founded as the General Perry Benson Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR or DAR), on April 17, 1965, in Easton, Maryland, we comprise fascinating backgrounds, abilities, talents, and interests. We share the common bond of descent from ancestors, hailing from various colonies, all of which contributed to securing independence and freedom as the United States of America, initiating the greatest experiment in human freedom the world has ever known.

General Perry Benson is regarded as a local hero, leading colonists during the American Revolutionary War and again during the War of 1812. Our chapter is named in his honor. Recently, we restored and improved the Benson Family Cemetery, General Perry Benson's final resting place. 

Our membership extends throughout the middle counties of Maryland's beautiful Eastern Shore. We hail from all points of the compass rose, uniting with daughters on the Delmarva Peninsula. Our lives are enriched by the beautiful Chesapeake Bay.

We participate in the NSDAR initiative "Service to America," focusing on the three main DAR objectives of historic preservation, education, and patriotism.

For more information about joining the DAR, contact us.